Thursday, January 28, 2010

Communcation between generations

I think the semiotic lens works well with dealing with intergenerational misunderstandings and communication in general because it allows both the young and the old to predict what is understandable to those of different generations. The semiotic point of view could help every generation by identifying which symbols may or may not have the same connotations as they once did. For example, if a man around the age of 70 were speaking to a young woman about sexist issues he should expect that certain words that use to be acceptable to say are now unacceptable and therefore he should change his choice of words to keep the conversation from going sour. Even the way the man spoke to the woman should be planned just in case it was a sensitive subject to her. Planning every bit of communication can in fact help a person become a good communicator. As well, it is important to know that although some words may never change their meaning to some people, they can be interpreted differently no matter what so it is best to try and read the person before saying anything at all. This lens creates a broader perspective in caring about other’s feelings as well as your own. If you take both people into account then there is less of a chance of any miscommunication to take place. [so many this is why parents sometimes don't "get" their kids]
I believe that general-semantics and intergenerational communication go hand-in-hand because I always try and read a person before saying anything that might offend them even if it is unintentional. Though thoughtful planning communication may have fewer misunderstandings that require repairing not every interaction will be successful unless the message is interpreted as hoped. It has long been said to think before you speak because without proper preparation the way you want the interaction to go may not be the result if you are either unwise with your words or even your tone. Anyone feel that they just aren’t understood sometimes…maybe semiotics can help! :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Ok, so I got around seeing Avatar sooner than I thought. I figured I'd just wait to see it at home because I'm a bum when it comes to going the movies. However, I do love watching movies on crappy days...and wasn't yesterday one of them. SO yeah I was pretty excited that it was going to be in 3D, with my luck though, I ended up going to a theatre that doesn’t have the technology to play 3D films, so I saw it in 2D. It’s strange to think but I am curious if in 5 years all movies will be 3D or however long it takes for theaters to upgrade. I am not sure I’d like to wear those glasses at every movie I go to see so I am hopeful that maybe one day we won’t need them to see 3D.
Honestly the only reason I really wanted to see Avatar was to experience a 3D film, who doesn’t enjoy those every once in a while. I was bummed out, but to tell you the truth, the movie wasn’t a letdown either way. I like the main character Sam Worthington I think that’s his name… he was good in the Terminator movie with Christian Bale. I love the idea that a fantasy world like Pandora exists even though it’s a scary thought that aliens or what not could easily kill us or be the greater species somehow. Movies are perfect for striking fear or imagination into people. Avatar was definitely a movie that made me question the motives behind the person who thought of it. I get so angry when innocent people are killed or attacked due to greed. For those who saw this movie how did you feel about the general? To me he was a macho-head whose ego stood in the way of his eyes and heart.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the world wide web

So today I started my online class, so far so good. I enjoy a challenge so having a quiz already this week excites me even though it is only 5 questions. I've gotten all A's the last two semesters so every point counts to me...Hopefully I do well. The reading about technology & media is interesting because my friends and I enjoy fantasizing about how technology will change in the future and how the media is greatly affected by its advancements. [Let's hope it's not like the movies...where computers takeover, but who knows] Anyways, I am a new blogger and just want to welcome those who have nothing better to do than to read my foolishness ;] just kidding, but I'll try to keep it entertaining.