Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the world wide web

So today I started my online class, so far so good. I enjoy a challenge so having a quiz already this week excites me even though it is only 5 questions. I've gotten all A's the last two semesters so every point counts to me...Hopefully I do well. The reading about technology & media is interesting because my friends and I enjoy fantasizing about how technology will change in the future and how the media is greatly affected by its advancements. [Let's hope it's not like the movies...where computers takeover, but who knows] Anyways, I am a new blogger and just want to welcome those who have nothing better to do than to read my foolishness ;] just kidding, but I'll try to keep it entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Solid! Use this blog as a place to play with those "big ideas" tied to media, technology, and utopian / dystopian futures.... You can take this blog anywhere you want to, as long as it's based somehow in a discussion of media (writ large)...
