Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coming to an end..

As our Media Studies class comes to an end I just want to go over some of the things I've learned. Not the technical things you can only learn the book, but the common sense I've gained. After taking this class I've realized I watch movies and television differently, more subjectively now. I begin thinking about the process of the show or movie and how hard it was to actually get broadcasted. I also think of what they are trying to sell to the audience; do they use specific language for a reason, are they doing a lot of product placement...etc. I wonder what their goals are and try to figure out the tactics they use to accomplish them. I have now become less naïve and have opened my eyes to the fact that almost everything in the media has a goal. I have also learned that the media is not always honest. The media has biases and can even enforce stereotypes of people. Has anyone else noticed they have started analyzing the media more than before? I am happy I have taken this class because now I am more aware of the media's purpose, but I think it may have taken away from its authenticity me personally.

1 comment:

  1. I do the exact same thing. Everytime I watch a show, I also look in the background for some missing meaning or a random product placement. Also, with stories I read on the web or hear on TV, I wonder how good those sources are for those stories. This class has definitely opened my eyes a lot more to the media.
