Monday, February 1, 2010

try to nap with your phone off...

So after getting only four hours of sleep last night I thought I'd take a vacation from the world and nap in between classes. I shut my phone off and left my computer off. After taking one forty-five minute nap I woke up to 4 new notifcations on facebook and 3 missed calls/1 text. Technology can be a pain sometimes. My mother was worried about me since I didn't respond to her text. My boyfriend thought I was ignoring him and I never got a chance to reply on facebook. Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time when tings were less complicated, I had more privacy, and nobody needed a 24/7 reply. I can only imagine what the next ten years has in store for wise. I mean I guess it's good I can contact anyone whenever I want and expect a quick response..but what about the days you want to unwind,relax,and be left today. It seems as if you just can't get away. I remember when I was 15 without a cell phone though, and I cannot imagine how my life would be without it now. I guess you have to take the good with the bad...Facebook allows us to meet new people so thats a good thing, however, if you don't want to run into old friends/enemies..having an online profile makes it easy to be spotted [i guess thats why their privacy tabs] Ok enough with this rambling...I am still exhausted. This time I am going to put as my status I am asleep so no one will have to call/text me to find out why I am not returning calls/texts/wall posts..etc


  1. Thats kind of funny. I dont know if you watch "the middle" but its a new show and the mom needed to take a break. So she went into the bathroom at work, shut her phone off and relaxed. When she came out, the building was smoking because she didnt make the coffe, and she had like 60 new messages on her phone, her kids needed her, one got in a car accident.. etc..

    Just like you were saying, you take one second and everyone wonders where you are.

  2. haha thats great because its true. People rely on technology now a days its crazy. My mom is the same way if my phone dies and I cant get to a charger and she calls 3 times and I do not call back shes frantic. I would like to know how people knew that someone they loved was alright before the telephone. There was no way to get in touch with them you just had to have trust and I feel like no one has that anymore if they cant get in touch with you especially your spouse/boyfriend or girlfriend.
