Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What the *Tweet* is Twitter?!

I want to know how everyone’s feels about Twitter. I have recently signed up because it was part of a class requirement. The only thing is, I have no idea what I'm doing and honestly I don't know how I am supposed to use it. With so many social networks out there I am curious if anyone knows what their favorite/best one is. Mine would have to be facebook because it's easy to navigate. After MySpace changed for the millionth time I cancelled my account and moved on. Now that facebook is finally updating itself, I am concerned if I will soon be leaving that behind as well. I like this blogger site, but I find myself checking out other social network sites more.
The thing I don't like about Twitter is that it's mostly news articles and what not being passed around. I guess it's great to find out info, but how good is it to use for just saying hello to a friend? I think one website should combined these features altogether, not change its layout often, and we’ll be all set. I hate having to sign up for a new site just because some of my friends chose it over the other sites I enjoy. Does anyone have twitter and love it, if so why? Maybe if someone can tell me about the great things it does I will change my opinion, but for now I will be forced to play around with it and confuse myself.


  1. Personally, I think twitter was one of the dumbest things ever invented. I just dont get it. I'll admit I never even stepped food in that website, but cmon... 120 characters of people just saying whatever is on their mind? mass text messaging to no one in particular. I just dont get it at all. I feel like its downgrading from facebook or myspace. Simplifying. Maybe I just need to experience it and I'll love hearing about ashton but maybe not.

    BUT! I'll admit that it has also been the forefront of news including the haiti disaster and the terrorist strikes in India.

  2. I had to get a Twitter for one of my classes too. I don't get it at all either. I have sent replies to my friend, but I just don't understand the whole concept of it. It use to be just like a Facebook status, but now that more companies are using it, it changed the whole way people use it now. The idea of Twitter was to know what you're friends were up to, just like Facebook and MySpace.

    For all those networking sites, I don't usually find them entertaining unless someone I want to talk to is on. It gets annoying just looking at the homepage and just clicking on the site annoys me. The changing out the layout and all that doesn't annoy me. Facebook's popularity is growing so they will have to change some things around. But I guess that is the way it goes.

    Also, if you are having a hard time understanding Twitter, like I did-- this is probably going to sound weird but Target has "Twitter for Dummies" books for a dollar. I got one and surprising, it actually helps (haha).

  3. thats sort of ironic... haha. But yea, companies are getting into it now, i've been reading laot about what google is up to in articles, and they often quote google's blog posts. Which I guess could be interesting if your really into a company, and it's a way to get personal. I still think its lame, but maybe ill glance at that twitter for dummies book.

  4. I'm sort of side-stepping the existential question of WHAT IS TWITTER (although I think you have to be using a 3G phone to really *grok* twitter), and offering up instead the idea that you link together some of these different platforms you're using. For instance, I have my blog feeding into my facebook a/c--and actually have gotten a lot more feedback that way than when I left my blog floating in space on its own (facebook is a powerful aggregator!)... I know many folks have twitter feeding their facebook updates too! Different tools for different things...and what those things are? We're all still sorting it out...

  5. I have yet to get a twitter account. I don't have a phone that goes online so I don't update it every single day. I'm not sure I really want too either. I don't think people need to know where I am every single second. I have yet to open an account but I'm curious to see how you like it after a while? Maybe I will get one eventually, but for now I'm good with Facebook.
